“Africa’s working age population is expected to grow by 450 million people, or close to 70 percent by 2035. New analysis shows that without effective policy change, there will only be 100 million new jobs. But with well-targeted capital investments (physical and human), and policies fostering competitiveness and productivity, Africa’s older and younger work force has the potential to transform the continent for the better. To develop manufacturing and greater economic diversification to enable potential rapid job growth, focus on strengthening institutions, improving infrastructure, accelerating technology adoption and enhancing job skills will be critical. We are looking to partner with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology to provide African solutions for African problems. The partnership intends to exploit the ability to develop products and solutions that are specifically suited for the income levels and tastes of the African market. Our aim is to create a full ecosystem that allows from design up to local manufacturing of made in Kenya for Africa.”

“STL is the first of its kind Advanced Nanofabrication and Semiconductor manufacturing company in Kenya and Africa. Our vision is to be the pre-eminent chip maker in Africa.
We are at a time when technology innovations are needed to make the jump to the 4th industrial revolution. Kenya and Africa is ready for the challenges of becoming a middle income economy. Our institutions are getting stronger and our workforce is young and highly trainable. COVID 19, while being abhorrent, has opened new frontier opportunities for our continent. With China showing structural weaknesses, global multinationals are looking for new partners, and here we are.
We are very excited to be part of the Dedan Kimathi Science and Technology Park. We have partnered with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology to develop and tool the next generation workforce. We are on the cusp of commissioning the Thin Films Nanotechnology Lab here at the University; this is a multi-million dollar investment. This lab is one of the four (4) advanced laboratories we will build in the coming months. The remaining three labs are: Advanced Lithography Lab, Testing and Environmental Lab and Back End of Line (BEOL) Final Manufacturing and Packaging Lab.
We are thrilled to collaborate with the University in training and teaching our future techies. It is a great time to be alive and to participate in such groundbreaking and impactful work. I have seen the true vigor and industry of our young people. We look forward to impacting our community positively and making a lasting legacy of hard work and ingenuity in our country. We will lead Africa to the next generation.”- Tony Githinji, Managing Director STL