Startup Weekends
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT), Karatina University and Chuka University in
collaboration with Saarland University- Germany engaged in capacity building initiatives for the DeST-
Park ecosystem through advancement of entrepreneurial orientation and providing an international
benchmark. This is achieved through promotion of innovations and technology development which are
key to Kenya’s economic growth, global competitiveness and meaningful employment creation in a
global context where there are significant shifts in knowledge production, accompanied by shifts in
global wealth.

IASP 2022 Africa Division Conference
DeST-Park -a member of IASP,collaboratively with Konza Technopolis Development Authority, partners in academia, government, private sector, and the non-state actors participated in the IASP Africa Division Conference that was held in May 2022.
The role of science parks is quite very significant across the world. This is where the greatest ideas turn into solutions for the biggest problems in the world. Science parks have become the areas where economies are driven. With over 500 delegates who attended the conference, the academia and innovators showcased various solutions. The relationship between these stakeholders is what is going to transform the Africa continent in terms of creating knowledge and wealth.