The DeST-Park focuses on three main thematic areas; Design, Manufacturing and Materials, Food Bio-resources Value Addition and Information Communication Technology.
To further enhance the functionality of the park, a Design, Manufacturing and Materials Hub is aimed at focusing on mechanization of agriculture through advancements in, among others, robotics and mechatronics. The main focus areas include: electronics manufacturing units and mechatronics devices-drones, industrial robots, electronics circuit, biomedical materials and devices, industrial management, material science and engineering, spatial applications, leather and leather products and industrial chemistry, dyes, medicine-implants.
Strategic Partners under the Design, Materials and Manufacturing
- Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)- Electronic Devices Manufacturing Center.
- Kenya Leather Development Council (KLDC).
- Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute.
- Mukurwe-ini Dairy Cooperative Society.
- KonzaTechnopolis Development Ltd
- Kenya Film Commission
- ICT Authority

DeST-Park is in a central technology corridor suitable for agriculture and food technology related activities. It focuses on green energy (bio-energy), bio resources, food technology; agricultural engineering and ICT that supports these focus areas. The Bio-resource area aims at innovation in research and development and commercialization of a wide range of bio-resources and enhancement of value chain in agricultural products. The bio-energy focuses on development of bio-fuels, pilot bio-energy and R&D and commercialization for household use.
Strategic Partners under the Agri-tech (Food Bio-resources Value)

ICT is defined as an important focus area to support the agriculture and food technology products. The ICT hub will primarily focus on applications and software in support of the agro-tech sector and developing synergies with other DeST-Park tenants. Focus areas include; ICT Big Data and Data Science, Environmental Conservation and Tourism, Spatial Science, Smart Government, Security Studies, Business Analytics and Security Management.
Strategic Partners under the ICT Thematic area